The Brahmin Priest
Pandit Ramananda is a Vipra, Hindu priest in the disciplic succession of the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya with over 40 years of experience and practice of sacred rituals and mantras. He is a direct disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Panditji has deep and extensive knowledge of Samskaras (religious rituals), Vedas, Puranas, Srimad Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Ramayana, Maha Bharata and the Upanishads. He teaches and gives lectures to an international audience.
Whether you are interested in full service wedding planning or simply looking for a Brahmin Priest to perform your ceremony, we are here for you!
Ancient Vedic Rituals
Samskaras are ancient Vedic rituals marking important events in our lives. They leave deep impressions in the heart assisting us on our ultimate journey of liberation. Samskara rituals begin before birth and continue until death creating auspiciousness for all stages of life.
Here are the samskaras Pandit Ramananda can perform for you on the Hawaiian Islands. We are happy to help arrange accommodations for your stay through our wedding planning services. Or Pandit Ramananda come you, wherever you may be.

Samskar Services
Auspiciousness for all Stages of Life
Satisfying the
Wishes of the
Pregnant Mother
the Child
Taking the
Child Outdoors
Giving the Child Solid Food
Hair Cutting
Sacred Thread
Study of the Vedas & Scriptures
Completing Education
The Marriage
Preparing for Renouncing
Last Rites / Funeral Rites
House Blessings
A house blessing is perfect for when you move into a new home. There are three main types of house blessings. Apoorva, is performed upon the first entry into a newly constructed home. Sapoorva, is done when an individual enters the home after arriving from a foreign land. Dwandwah, is done when the individual enters the home after reconstruction or renovation.
The Sanskrit word “garbha” means womb and “dhana” refers to giving in charity or in this case placing the gift of a seed in the womb of the mother. The seed-giving ceremony should take place just prior to the act of conception. An astrologer can calculate the best time to impregnate the wife to obtain a fortunate and qualified child. However, in many instances the ritual can simply be performed immediately after the marriage.
The scriptures say this rite should be performed before the baby begins to grow and move in the womb. This punsavana ritual welcomes the soul and is performed to assure that the infant is not miscarried.
This ceremony is performed in the fourth month of pregnancy, on the fortnight of the waxing moon. Puja is performed for the purification of the atmosphere, the peace of the mother and infant, and for giving birth to a peaceful and holy child. The pregnant woman gets gifts of rice and fruits from seven ladies. Kumkum is applied on her cheeks to keep her happy and so that the child will feel her happiness. This rite is social and festive and is intended to keep the pregnant woman in good spirits.
Jaat-karma is performed six or eleven days after the child is born for the purification of the house. This is done in order to keep a child in a clean atmosphere where he or she may not incur any physical or mental problems. It is also called Shashthi because Goddess Shashthi is the protector of children.
The name giving ceremony, jaatkarma and naamkarma are performed together. This ceremony is performed to give a sacred name to the child, assigned according to the 212 divisions of the 27 nakshatras and the position of the moon at the time of child’s birth. An appropriate name is given to the child according to the star of birth, and the first letter of the name is taken from the hora shatra.
This ceremony is performed on or after 40 days. Some scriptures allow it at the time of the name giving ceremony. The child is blessed with holy water and with Surya Darshan prayers. “Salutation to you, oh divine sun, who has hundreds of rays and who dispels darkness, may you bring brightness into the life of this child”.
Most of the scriptures prescribe this ceremony at sixth month when the child first develops teeth. Sweet rice or rice pudding is fed to the baby by the priest, parents and family members while reciting Vedic mantras. The sweet rice gives nourishment, holy luster, and splendor.
This ceremony is performed on an auspicious day after the age of one year and is the first time the baby’s hair is cut. This ceremony is performed for the development of power, understanding, and a long life. The hair is disposed of at a holy place where it cannot be found my anyone.
The sacred thread ceremony is very significant in the life of a person pursuing spiritual enlightenment. This ceremony initiates the child into a spiritual journey. The mother gives birth to the child. However, when the guru initiates someone by giving gayatri mantra, it is considered a second birth. Yagyopaveet, sacred thread, indicates that a person is qualified to perform all the traditional Vedic rites.
After commencement of learning of the alphabet on the third or fifth year, when choula, hair cutting is performed, this important ceremony can take place. The Brahman or teacher should start teaching the first lesson after worshipping Saraswati, the Goddess of learning.
The last rites ceremonies are for the peaceful journey of the departed soul to it’s next destination. Sacred mantras, chanting of God’s names and singing of holy songs are recited for the welfare of the departed person. Monthly and annual ceremonies can be performed to remember them and pray for their spiritual development.
This ceremony is performed at the age of 50 or 60. With the commencement of this ceremony, a man completes his grahastha dharma, householder life and enters into vanprastha ashram, renounced life. The Priest gives the new uniform and the rules are explained.
Vedic Hindu marriage is viewed as sacramental, which is a lifelong commitment of one wife and one husband. It is the strongest bond between a man and a woman, which takes place in the presence of their parents, relatives, friends and sacred fire.
After finishing Vedic study and taking a ceremonial bath a student leaves his teachers house and returns home. When he completes his education about religion and the laws of life, this first ashram of brahmacharya is complete. He is now eligible to enter into the householder stage, and considered a qualified man to get married.